Wearing a face mask is slowly becoming the new normal and having it on for most of the day can really affect your skin, especially during this lovely warm weather! If you’ve already been wearing them regularly you may have noticed your skin becoming more irritated and cheeky spots appearing out of nowhere, I know I have!
So, how can we minimise the mask effect?
When you wear your mask, you’re effectively sending your mouth and chin area to a sauna for the day. Your hot breath circulates inside the enclosed space and creates warmth and moisture on the surface of your face, allowing harmful bacteria to penetrate the skin and cause breakouts and clog pores.
Top Tips while wearing your mask – we've got you covered:
Keep washing your hands and stop touching your face! I love lovelove using ourBergamot hand wash because as well as its fresh and citrusy smell, Bergamot essential oil has been known to carry antibacterial properties and so is perfect during this time!
Clean your mask and face. Using a cleanser every morning and night is important for washing away dirt and oil from your skin before and after wearing your mask. That’s why I love using our Cleansing Face Wash, because its suitable for both day and night and always leaves my face feeling super fresh.
Avoid using a heavy moisturiser, sticking to a water-based one like ourDaily Bliss Moisturiser is very important as it won’t stick to the surface of your skin and clog pores. Try not to wear too much makeup during the day, especially on areas covered by a mask. I mean, the top half of your face is the only part on show, so a bit of mascara and brow gel and you're good to go!
Finally, using an exfoliator at least once a week will help unclog pores and give your skin a fresh new feeling, ready to combat ‘maskne’ breakouts. Unfortunately We haven’t made one of these yet but I love the Green People Fruit Scrub exfoliator.
….......and finally, don’t forget your night cream which can help the skin prepare for another day of mask wearing!